
By Surendra Sharma

12th Oct 2019

Soybean (Glycin Max) is a kharif crop of Madhya Pradesh; the cultivated area is nearly 54 lakhs hector or 135 lakhs acre in the state. Due to the mass production rate Madhya Pradesh is also referred to as the ‘Soya State’. Soybean is a major source of Oil and Protein in the proportion of 40% Protein and 22% Oil. The crop has been a life line of MP Farmers for last 20-25 years.

Krishi Rasayan’s Support for Farmers-

KREPL MP Team has very good reach amongst the soybean farmers and dominating regions. The entire agricultural practices can be divided in the following steps:

Land preparation: Farmers have a very aggressive approach and start agricultural operation from the month of May, last week of June and first week of July is the appropriate time for sowing. During land preparation our involvement starts with control of soil borne insects like Termites and White Grubs by ‘Rock 10%,’ some farmers also use pre emergence weedicides, to manage the narrow and broad leaf weeds, KREPL team recommends ‘Kristop Super.’

Sowing Period: During sowing time, we recommend mainly ‘CM-75’ and ‘Seedoxam FS’ for seed treatment to protect the embryo and early crops from insects and diseases.

Between 15 to 25 days of Crops, farmers mainly manage weeds, which is a major problem with soybean. In soybean narrow leaf weeds and broad leaf weeds is a major problem for farmers, to tackle the problem we recommend mainly, ‘Perfect,’ ‘Naka Super,’ and now ‘Pack Up.’ ‘Pack Up’ is also a new product that has been introduced this year for control of Narrow leaf weeds, (Echinocloba, Dinebra, Digitaria,and Cynodon dectilon, saccharum spontaneum) we have received fantastic results of same product.

Insects and Diseases Management: Below are some other major insects of soybean, and its control by KREPL products:

  • Blue beetle: Feeding on leaf in early stage. KREPL recommendation: Ant super, Ant505, LOC++ use @ recommended dose.
  • Stem Fly: A harmful insect which damages the stem in early stages of Crop. KREPL recommendation: Krifas super, LOC++.
  • Girdle beetle: Major insect of Soybean. It attacks on stem and full life cycle completed in the stem. Approximately 60 to 75% yield loss is recorded. KREPL recommendation: Krifas super, with LOC++.
  • Semiloopers: it belongs to the family of caterpillars.  KREPL recommendation: Ant505, Ant Super and LOC++.
  • Heliothis , Spodoptera, Pink wall worm and Bihar harry caterpillar: These insects mainly damage pods of the crop. KREPL recommendation: Kristar and Kare.
  • Sucking pests: Presently attacking the soybean crop, many sucking pests attacks lead to losses of yield. White flies is the major sucking insect. KREPL recommendation: We mainly promote Ekka and  Krioxam.
  • Root rot, Calar rot, leaf spots, Rust, yellow mosaic: CM75, Key, Krisulf +, Super hit and Win.

With the introduction of new technology, developing techniques and interactive market the farmers are moving towards change. Keeping in mind the need of the crop, a throughout the season product we recommend is PGR. It acts as a growth regulators for good health of crop and gives higher yield. Some of our KREPL products are Paushak Super, Krikelp and K Max Super.

These are the main practices of Soya farmers and KERPL contribution to manage the major pests of Soybean crop in Madhya Pradesh.

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